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California Student Mental Health and Wellness Project

A collaboration between the Calfornia Department of Education, the University of California Santa Barbara, and WestEd -- the California Student Mental Health and Wellness Project disseminates statewide data related to students' mental health and wellness, as well as resources to help practitioners maximize student well-being.

The Importance of School Boredom

Two new school boredom questions were added to the California Healthy Kids Survey in the 2021/22 academic year. One survey question asks students about how bored they feel at school. The second asks how much students value learning experiences. Combined, these two survey questions provide important information about students' school experiences, social emotional well-being, and academic engagement. See Dr. Michael Furlong's RISE 360 Resource to learn more about how these two items can be used by school personnel to differentiate boredom experiences among students to address their academic and social emotional needs. Additional related resources are below.

Project Infographics

  1. Covid-Related School Closures and Student Mental Health and Wellness
  2. Academic Motivation During the Pandemic