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District CalSCHLS Private Dashboard Available

A password protected, private data dashboard displays up to seven years of CalSCHLS data at the district level and individual school level. The dashboard provides designated staff with graphical data displays for the district as a whole, for groups of schools in the district, for all schools in the district on the same page to enable comparisons across schools, and for a single, individual school. At both the district and school level, viewers can:

  • compare their data with district and state averages;
  • make comparisons across subgroups such as race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and afterschool participation; and
  • examine data trends over time overall and by subgroup.

Viewers at both the district level and the school level have the option to download data displays as a PDF document which can be shared with stakeholders.

For more information, call your CalSCHLS Regional Center at 562.799.5164.